Saturday 11 August 2018

Her name was Lola, she was a Showgirl

With yellow ribbons in her hair, and a thing right down to there~
Decided to start up a new sketchbook after my two year hiatus. This was going to be some kind of bog siren but her swamp sludge hair turned into a fancy hat. I say just go with it.

Tuesday 7 August 2018


You guys should watch those youtube videos of people throwing pop cans into magma. its pretty cool. These are Magmaids. They're like mermaids but they live in magma.

Thursday 10 May 2018


Have you ever taken a bunch of Rainbow trout and lined them up so you can look at their faces? They all look pretty different. its pretty cool. This was done digitally because its the future.

Monday 23 April 2018

Mermaids domestication of Ling cod.

They liked to party back then. I've been thinking about making these posts more interesting.
mediums are my computer (:hello)

Sunday 24 December 2017

Lookin' at tha' money like its mine to git, ye'

I'm pretty sure its only a matter of time before we come up with an anti-ageing cream that just turns you into a weird inverted zombie and we all go full circle.

Friday 17 November 2017

wack bitch night

sometimes I like to make pretend I own a movie theater and every friday night I throw triple feature themed movie nights. this is the poster for Wack Bitch Night where we'd be showing Excision, Starry Eyes, and Darling. Also there'd be a potluck and everyone gets beer. I like pretending.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii is a is a species of flowering plant in the parasitic genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing  the largest individual flower on earth. it has a very strong and horrible odour of decaying flesh, earning it the nickname "corpse flower". Enjoy

Thursday 12 October 2017

Mt Moon

Haven't done one of these in awhile. This is my second attempt at Mt Moon. Id say how I feel about it but I don't want to color your world too much. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Water into Wine

Last in the Hypomimia series- Water into Wine. That Jesu Christo. Such a dog

Monday 18 September 2017

Mola Mola

The second in the Hypomimia series. This ones called  Mola Mola.
 Lookit' that big dumb fish. We love him.

Sunday 17 September 2017


Cashmere- I drew this back in 2015..or 14...and I couldn't figure out how I wanted to refine it. I'm much smarter now so I decided to give it another swig. This is the first in a small series called Hypomimia or The Art of Being Sort of Good at Art. Its marker and pencil crayon in a sketchbook because I'm a badass adult.

Friday 8 September 2017


humdittyhumditty. This is another old one. I think the series was called "boobs". It was a simpler time.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Brain Picker

Revamping some old drawings because its the future. I think I left the original of this one in one of the scanners at OCAD. Bummerella.

Saturday 26 August 2017


I drew this aaaagggeees ago. Its called introspection. Its aBOUT INTROSPECTION oops caps.

Thursday 13 July 2017

The Growlers

Another mock-poster for one of my favorite bands, The Growlers. Kinda looks like open mic night down at the bog. Those chicks look like they can tell a good joke. Played with the mood lighting and added some textures as well just to see.