Saturday 25 April 2015

Final FINAL retouchings

some last minute clean up with these first four images I did at the beginning of the school year. They need to be wearing their Sunday's best for the OCAD grad show this coming Wednesday. Also Included the other 6 because its nice to see them all playing and getting along. If any ones finding themselves particularly lonely on the 29'th you's should drop by. Here's to my favourite dingus friends- the reason why I kept going, and also probably the reason why it took me to long to graduate.
The Likeliness of Trevor not being let into a bar because of his intoxication, as oppose to his stupid hat.
Trevor is a 31 year old man wearing a child’s tuque with a picture of the little mermaid on it. He decides this is the appropriate attire to accompany his 4 friends for a night of dancing at the Crawford house. Before entering the bar each friend, including Trevor, consumes 4  2.0z drinks.
Each friend is let into the bar except for Trevor, who the bouncer claims has “had enough already”

Question: What is the likeliness that Trevor was not let into the bar because of his hat, as opposed to his visible level of intoxication.

Corn as a method for solving roommate disputes.
Julian, Tim and Chris have just moved in together.  They have been living together for 4 months.
Tim trips Julian approx. 3 times as Julian is passing by to make him self a large plate of boiled corn. As Julian passes by on the third time Tim half jokingly tries to Kick Julian in the Groin. Julian responds by Taking a cob of corn and breaking it over Tim’s Head.

Question: At what velocity does the cob of corn need to be hit Tim’s head in order for him to find this situation funny.
Ece beats The Man
Ece is throwing a party at her house. Through out the evening Ece changes all parts of her outfit, intermittently, multiple times.
At approx. 1:05 am Tyler begins breaking firewood over his head while shouting “alpha alpha!” and the Cops are called. When the police arrive Ece’s outfit has become a pair of men’s pants, a pin striped vest, and a bowler hat.
When the police ask “what are you wearing?” her response is “I don’t know, clothes?”

Question: Taking into consideration the amount of guests at the house, Tyler’s behaviour, and Ece’s outfit, how confident does Ece have to seem in in her response in order for the cops to leave.
Ratio of the funniness of farts to how much you like someone
Rados brings Andrea to a party after meeting her at a bar approx. 1 week prior.
Chris Tells 2 fart jokes, Arielle tells 3, and Denesee tells one fart story.
Andrea then states that she does not find farts funny and that she wants to talk about something else.

Question: How funny do Arielle, Denesee and Chris have to find farts in order to no longer want to hang out with Andrea?

 Aziza and Arielle Earn Respect from the Community though Thievery
It is 3:00 am and Arielle and Aziza have decided they want to make an artistic statement within Aziza’s neighbourhood. They do not yet know what they want that statement to be, but they do know they want it to involve stealing the pylons from the construction site down the street and painting them to look like famous men of history then returning them the next morning.

Question: If there are 16 pylons in total and Aziza and Arielle each take one every night, how many pylons will have to be vandalized before the community notice and realize Arielle and Aziza’s artistic genius?
 Denesee  Vs the Vacuum Cleaner
Julain, Chris, and Tim have a small storage closet in their apartment where they keep their vacuum cleaner. Denesee Does not believe the space is large enough for both a person and the vacuum cleaner to fit inside and close the door. After attempting this and then proving himself wrong, Julian, Chris, and Tim hear the vacuum cleaner turn on, followed by shouting and multiple thuds.  The diameter of the closet is 35x30x70. Denesee weighs 165 lbs and is 5’10”. The vacuum cleaner weighs 30 lbs and is made of hard plastic.

Question: given the dimensions of the closet, the total mass of Denesee, and the total mass and density of the vacuum cleaner, who would win in a fight?   
 Determining your Irrational Spirit Animal
Nayha decides that everyone has a “spirit animal” and that she can determine what that is by looking at them. Since Nayha likes horses, she believes that’s what her spirit animal is. She then tells Rados his spirit animal is a flamingo because he is tall, and Ece is a lama because she likes salad.

Question: Given the seemingly arbitrary criteria for Nayha to determine other’s spirit animals, how many more animal characteristics need to be assigned to each person, respectively, before her final decision of their “spirit animal” seemed accurate?
The Difference Between Yoga and Health when Combining a Cigarette
Arianna wants to teach her friend Leo how to do yoga. However, Leo is smoking and says he will only do it if he does not have to put down his cigarette.  The starting position is downward dog, which requires consistent inhaling and exhaling with both hands on the ground. In order to be in proper position Leo needs to hold the cigarette with his mouth and inhale cigarette smoke instead of oxygen.

Question: considering the circumstances, would it be more or less detrimental to Leo’s health to continue doing yoga?

 Tanya’s Golden Ratio
Tanya has come to a party and she’s brought two things. The first thing is a set of children’s kaleidoscopes. The second is a bag of salted Russian fish snacks. Everybody enjoys playing with the kaleidoscopes, but they do not enjoy eating the fish snacks. The next two parties Tanya brings the kaleidoscopes without the fish and everybody is happy, however at the third party Tanya only brings the salted fish and everybody is confused and slightly disappointed. The next four parties Tanya will again bring the kaleidoscopes, but the two parties after that she will only bring fish. This pattern continues on forever.
Question: At what point does the positive association from Tanya’s kaleidoscopes trick everyone into enjoying the fish, even when there are no kaleidoscopes present? 
 The Circumfrance of getting what’s coming to you
It is 2:am and Rados, Tim, and Leo are hanging out in a park. Things start to get rowdy and Rados decides he wants to re-enact a somewhat violent scene from the Simpsons. He begins rotating his arms in a lateral propeller motion, kicking his legs into the air in front of him one at a time and begins shouting at Leo “I’m going to start walking at you like this, and if you get hurt, its your own fault!” Once he is close enough, Leo shoves Rados to he ground, resulting in a twisted ankle. Rados has to wear a cast for 2 weeks.

Question: Was Rados “asking for it”

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