Tuesday 25 November 2014

Corn as a method for solving roommate disputes.

Julian, Tim and Chris have just moved In together.  They have been living together for 4 months.

Tim trips Julian approx. 3 times as Julian is passing by to make him self a large plate of boiled corn. As Julian passes by on the third time Tim half jokingly tries to Kick Julian in the Groin. Julian responds by taking a cob of corn and breaking it over Tim’s Head.

Question: At what velocity does the cob of corn need to hit Tim’s head in order for him to find this situation funny. 

∆x1 =Velocity Julian threw the corn = V1

∆X2= Velocity needed for Tim to find it funny = V2

∆t= time line

∆x1 >∆X2=> ∆X1  >  ∆X2
                          ∆t          ∆t
                               => V1> V2 

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