Friday 21 November 2014

Ece vs The Man

Ece is throwing a party at her house. The number of guests that attend is estimated to be 80.
During this period Ece changes all parts of her outfit, intermittently, multiple times throughout the evening.
At approx. 1:05 am Tyler begins breaking firewood over his head while shouting “alpha alpha!” and the Cops are called.
When the police arrive Ece’s outfit has become a pair of men’s pants, a pin striped vest, and a bowler hat.
When the police ask “what are you wearing?” her response is “I don’t know, clothes?”
Taking into consideration the amount of guests at the house, Tyler’s behavior, and Ece’s outfit, how confident does Ece have to seem in in her response in order for the cops to leave.

Sample of my third thesis piece. Ece outwits the system while wearing a funny costume, as she usually does.

p1 (x)= _1__  ex2          
          √ 2πσ        2σ2

= The curve representing Ece's confidence level

β = The number of times Ece has changed
= The number of pieces of firewood broken
k =the number of guests invited

σ = Fuck you i'm not typing that out right now

if σ is smaller than the curve, it will be more narrow and Ece will have more confidence. If wider, the variation around her confidence will be less.

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