Sunday 2 November 2014

Sample of second thesis piece: Ratio of the funniness of farts to how much you like someone

Rados brings Andrea to a party after meeting her at a bar approx. 1 week prior.

Chris Tells 2 fart jokes, Arielle tells 3, and Denesse tells one story.
Andrea then states that she does not find farts funny and that she wants to talk about something else.

How funny do Arielle, Denessee and Chris have to find farts in order to no longer want to hang out with Andrea.

Vertical axis represents disapprovial rateing
Horizontal axis represents time (T)
T1 represents the maximum point of approval (When Andrea states she does not find farts funny)
T2 represents the point that we no longer what to hang out with Andrea

There's allot more stuff going on here but I need Julian to help me word it. Untill then, pffffftthhh...

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